I bought some new shoes today. Last week when Katie and I went to upstate New York to see the eclipse we did some sightseeing to see the waterfalls around Ithaca, and I learned two things:
- I should have brought/worn hiking boots, and
- It was time to get new shoes.
It’s not that my shoes were bad or uncomfortable. It’s that when hiking on a trail with plenty of mud, if the shoes that you’re wearing don’t really have any tread on them, you’re going to go slipping and sliding and it’s a wonder that I didn’t splat. I say we were “hiking” on a “trail” but it was more like walking on a wide, flat path where if it had been a bit drier there wouldn’t have been any mud. But mud there was, and slip-sliding I went in my casual sneakers that look more like running shoes that I picked up on a whim at Costco to replace my old casual gray canvas Nike shoes after they got a bit old and stained and floppy and worn. Hiking boots would have been a better choice (both for the ruggedness as well as the activity) but for some reason it didn’t occur to me to pack them.
Later on the same trip I went walking across what I expected to be a dry field, but soon I started squelching in the grass. I tried to power through but it just got squelchier and squelchier so I jumped up on some nearby rocks to avoid the bog I found myself in, but when I thought I had safely circumnavigated the swamp and jumped back off the rocks I landed right in the thick of it and spent the day waiting for the eclipse with muddy shoes and soggy socks. When I got home from the trip I tossed my shoes in the wash and while they’re now clean, it was time to start thinking about replacing them.
So today I went out looking for new shoes. First stop was Dick’s Sporting Goods and while they had some casual-looking shoes that I could have bought if I needed a new pair right then and there, since none of the shoes really spoke to me (despite having tongues, wakkawakka) and I wasn’t in dire straits shoe-wise I continued with my errands.
Later I wandered in to a Rack Room Shoes and wouldn’t you know I found the exact same pair of casual grey canvas Nike shoes that I had just before my current pair? I was surprised to find them so easily as when I had looked at Zappos’ site the other day I couldn’t find any of my old shoe styles available, or if they were still made they didn’t have them in my size, but finding the old shoe style I really liked available in my size in the second store was not something I was expecting.